Queer Woodland Dungeons and Dragons Camping Trip Wedding
Rad and I met at probably the least romantic environment possible – working at the county Coroner’s office when we were both death investigators. After about a year of scene responses and autopsies (super romantic, I know), we were dating. From the beginning of our relationship, Rad was adamant that we would be getting married at some point in the future, turns out he was right!
This deliciously offbeat couple went for wedding churros and popsicles
We wanted to be really intentional about how we approached wedding traditions. We kept what we wanted, and left what we didn’t! For instance: as a masculine woman, Ester wanted to experience some of the groom-ish parts of wedding traditions, like seeing her future wife come down the aisle. Also, since neither of us like cake, we had wedding popsicles and wedding churros instead!
Behold this floral afro, the ultimate wedding updo for natural hair
Ok, can we take a moment to talk about the looks at Stephanie & Carla’s wedding? These two were married in July 2022, and we need to talk about Stephanie’s amazing floral afro!
Our nerdy post-elopement party with a D20 dice kissing game
We had already had our elopement last year, so we wanted this post-elopement party to be a simple but nerdy event to celebrate with some of our friends and family.