Theresa & Andy’s stress-free, vegan rainforest wedding
Theresa & Andy wanted a stress-free yet meaningful wedding day. As an anthropologist, Theresa gets her “geek on” about rituals, so they carefully planned out every detail of their ceremony. This meant a small vegan rainforest wedding followed by a cruise on the Daintree River.
Rainbow ribbons & curls
We all know I’m a sucker for ribbon veils, but I’m LURVING Teresa’s curls wrapped around rainbow ribbons.
Kat & Mike’s whimsical “Midwinter Night’s Dream” wedding
The Offbeat Bride: Kat, Desktop Publishing Specialist, Musician, and Semi-pro Crafter Her offbeat partner: Mike, Operations Ninja and Writer Location & date of wedding: Thorpewood, Thurmont, MD — 01/17/2010 What made our wedding offbeat: Our wedding was very much about expressing our geeky, crazy love. When we decided on a winter wedding, we stumbled upon […]
Bailey & Chris Sewing-themed, Texas theater wedding
The Offbeat Bride: Bailey, Grad Student, Theatrical Design and Technology Specializing in Costume Design (and OBT member) Her Offbeat Partner: Chris, Grad Student, Theatrical Design and Technology Specializing in Lighting Design Location & date of wedding: Clyde H. Wells Fine Arts Center Theatre, Stephenville, TX. Our undergrad theatre where we met! — December 20th, 2008 […]