Category Archive

red wedding dress

We’ve been obsessing over red wedding dresses since 2007, and have a HUGE archive of red wedding dress pictures from real weddings, plus tons of ideas and inspiration for your own red wedding dress.

5415409232 dc3fc5810d b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Juno & Noah’s queer feminist interfaith wedding

This worldly couple manages to elegantly combine traditions from Buddhist, Jewish, Filipino, Catholic, and Chinese into one heckuva wedding. And you don’t want to miss the a-dor-able video of Juno surprising Noah with a choreographed dance number!

masque 061011 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Jenifer & William’s opulent masquerade ball wedding

People look awesome in masks. It’s a proven fact. And this crew looks guh-mazing! Tack on major recycling ingenuity and the entire wedding in the spirit and you’ve got masque-madness.

4938452451 de64296368 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Sasha & Ra’s vegetarian gluten-free burner fire-spinning wedding

Take some cowboys, Orthodox Jews, and Burning Man devotees, and mix them in a gorgeous tent in the forest with some cheesecake. Cook with lots of fire and you get one delicious wedding. Fabulous pictures? Inquire within.

5653664775 176b6d7ece alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Andrea & Angelo’s rock ‘n’ roll, leopard-print, Italian feast wedding

A live band playing rock classics, leopard print to die for, and a smidge of DIY makes this wedding no ordinary love. Traditional Italian? Nope. Awesome Italian? Hell yes.

5629831170 66bb0b832b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Jenna & Kieran’s clashing rock ‘n’ roll wedding

“Welcome family and friends [and Offbeat Bride readers] to the wedding of Jenna and Kieran. Like me, you are here today partly because you are just a little bit scared of Jenna, but mostly to witness Kieran come good on his promise to ‘Wed this bitch.'”

5524719573 375aa7723d alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Katrina & Brandon’s princess and pirate Renaissance wedding

How could your parents say no to being the King and Queen at your wedding? Plus: there are pirates and elephants. Ren Fair weddings for the win!