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A gentle rainfall. Creamy pale lighting. You strolling arm in arm with your lover down a glistening sidewalk, the breeze gently tugging you both along. Sigh. Rainy wedding days are so fucking romantic.

5115183177 1f20ecff6a b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Theresa & Anderson’s LuvFest 2010 camping music festival wedding

LuvFest 2010 was an amazing homespun music fest featuring live music, lawn games, bonfires, fire dancers, multi-day camping, and a little rain to cool everyone off. That isn’t enough? Oh, there was a wedding too. Love was all around at this festival of killer jams and awesome vows.

5058300877 cbce79b44b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Ashley & Justin’s royal renaissance wedding

A little rain and a football game couldn’t keep this couple down. The whole wedding party was decked in gorgeous renaissance garb for a sweet as sugar “crown exchange” of vows!

5304000774 643785bfb7 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Laura & Chris’ nature-loving fall wedding in the rain

You may recognize this bride from her eco-chic and uber bad-ass wedding outfit. Well, that wasn’t the only earthy element at their wedding. Laura and Chris designed their entire wedding around their wilderness ways! -Coco

Picture 4 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Monday Montage: lovely ladies, staggering steampunks, gorgeous goths and dazzling dancers

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I wanted to repeat what Ariel said. I am also incredibly thankful for all of you and for the hours of joy and LOLs that all of your wedding photos provide me. Give yourself a high-five, because you rock! Anyway, getting back to business, this week’s Monday Montage starts off with a bang (pun intended ;)). It also has some impressive lookin’ ladies, a little steam-punk, a little goth, a few umbrellas and some good old fashioned boogie time.

5094832976 4f8bedfedb alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Ginny & Rob’s no-budget, desert canyon, sci-fi wedding party

Did you jaw totally drop when you saw a sneak peak of Ginny & Rob’s amazing red rock wedding last week? Perhaps it was the freakin’ full-size TARDIS that blew your gourd? Or maybe your a fan from way back when we featured her Star Wars poster STDs? All I can say is that this wedding is awesome and proves that you and/or your event can be nerdy and incredibly gorgeous. – Becc

4995635985 32aced0273 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Ally & Jake’s quirky, rainy-day wedding and barn party in the mountains

Ally & Jake are laid-back, nature loving, mountain nuts. So they had a simple wedding in a meadow followed by a raging dance party in a local barn!