Category Archive

purple dress

foto 100511 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Corsets, killer shoes, faery wings, and a zip lining wedding

This Monday Montage is full of amazing dress fashion, skull shoes, pink saddle shoes, zip lining, and even some wings. The Offbeat Flickr Pool wins again!

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Stephanie & Peter’s technicolor candy house wedding

Surrounded by a technicolor wonderland house, a bride in a purple and black dress fits right in. She and her top-hatted groom had a witness-by-lottery, Pixy Stix centerpieces, and somehow overcame a major bus malfunction to rock the night away in New York.

country manor 083011 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Jacqueline & Louis’ rockin’ country manor barbecue wedding

A purple dress, piercings, tats, and an old country manor. Nothing wrong with that combination. This couple somehow found a way to combine Led Zeppelin and a super traditional venue into a fab day for all. Even the gate-crashing kitteh agrees.

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Alexandria & Christopher’s Rock Band celebration of love

This wedding can be a reminder to all you freaking out about wedding planning. Let’s remember what Ariel said in the book: If you’re married at the end of the night, the wedding was a success.

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Bitchin’ brides in killer corsets

I could literally lose myself in the Offbeat Bride Flickr pool for hours days. You bitches are too good. This week I was fawning over all of your sextastic corsets. They are so classic, yet they make me feel so naughty. I like it and I can’t stop staring… and once you see these beauties, you also won’t be able to stop ogling.

5163057248 2b9140bef9 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Rebecca & Aelish’s bluegrass, mismatched, vintage-y par-tay wedding

Two insanely, insanely gorgeous dresses wore by two gorgeous brides. You need more? How about the best line for a ring ceremony EVAR!