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place cards

matchbook place setting alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

15 wedding place cards that do WAY more than just show guests to their seats

Let’s break it down here: Do you need place cards and table settings? Only if you’re doing assigned seating. Are they a pain in the ass to deal with? Yes — and they’re super time-consuming. So, if you’re going to be spending that much time on a wedding project… why not make them as awesome as possible!?

beachside 062011 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kyle & David’s multicultural beachside fiesta wedding

Kyle proved she would fight her way through brawling Marines to get to her groom. But it was worth it for the seaside view and awesome Mexican food at this Japanese-infused budget wedding.

5380138060 afa84212a8 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Julia & Kory’s casual rock ‘n’ roll sideshow wedding

An indestructible bride and her zombie rocker dude create “the world’s strangest married couple.” Creepy magicians, Sno-Cones, and a ton of duct tape will keep this couple stuck togetha foreva.

Passescopied alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How to make your own backstage passes for your VIP wedding crew

Kristen once showed you how to make a sewing pattern out of existing clothes, now she’s showing you how to make backstage passes for your rock ‘n’ roll wedding.

place cards 0 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Punch your guests in their eyeballs with awesome pop-up place cards!

Anyone can fold a paper in half and call it a place-card. Wanna learn to make cute and quirky pop-up place cards instead!? Whitney Lee shows us how.

5330716970 c890513ef4 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

My retro-futuristic chuppah

Our chuppah’s design was inspired by the Jetsons cartoons, 50s-era “googie” architecture like the Theme Building at LAX, and movies like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow and Fritz Lang’s Metropolis.