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4023024055 f4496db8f1 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Tiffany & Nick’s hipster Bavarian wedding

In honor of Russian New Year’s (the week between New Year’s and Orthodox Christmas), we’re having an Eastern European theme week! For day 3 of Eastern European week, we have Tiffany & Nick’s wedding in the “Little Bavaria” of Michigan. This one is a bit of a stretch for the theme — roll with it! -Becca

5156568498 2c239f640c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kelly & Amie’s woodland picnic meets Rocky Horror Picture Show wedding

Kelly & Amie had a relaxed, picnic wedding with handmade dresses and cakes, a rose ceremony celebrating both their families and their love, and a kick ass first dance to Rock Horror Picture Show.

katie featured alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Katie & Mike’s small, black, autumn day wedding

II wanted to bring you down gently from the awesomeness that was Halloween Week with Katie and Mike’s super chill, day-time park wedding on Halloween. After being engaged for two years, Katie and Mike planned a small, park elopement in two weeks. This Halloween day wedding featured black dresses, beautiful fall leaves, and, of course, pumpkins!

5094832976 4f8bedfedb alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Ginny & Rob’s no-budget, desert canyon, sci-fi wedding party

Did you jaw totally drop when you saw a sneak peak of Ginny & Rob’s amazing red rock wedding last week? Perhaps it was the freakin’ full-size TARDIS that blew your gourd? Or maybe your a fan from way back when we featured her Star Wars poster STDs? All I can say is that this wedding is awesome and proves that you and/or your event can be nerdy and incredibly gorgeous. – Becc

4992616823 fe6e74a21d alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Joan and Tom’s upcycled carnival cabaret wedding

We married on September 11, 2010. We’d just met when the 9/11 tragedy occurred. After the initial shock subsided, we made a big feast for the people who lived in our building. That was the first loving thing we did as a couple, so we consider it our anniversary. It made sense to marry on that day (albeit having to explain the story a million times).

5129267179 5de177460e alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Niamh & Jonathan’s rustic victorian fall fest wedding

You got a sneak peek of this wedding in the post last Friday about the fantabulous Midwest photographer, Kate Sommers. Then you got another sneak peek in the Monday Montage. Aaaand my parents got married in Rochester, MN in autumn too! Awwww …. Ok, clearly, this was meant to be. Here’s Niamh and Jonathan’s Pride […]