OPEN THREAD: How do you deal with wedding dress regret?
I’m a bride to be in about six weeks. I bought a dress, and was told by one person the dress wasn’t for me, so I exchanged it for a different dress… But now I’m not sure. Do you have any articles on wedding dress regret and making the best of the dress you’ve got?
Introverts, unite – How to have a fun bridal experience with no friends
I’m alright with my lack of friends most of the time — except for when I think about my wedding. I’ve (mostly) come to terms with the idea of giving up my cute wedding party photos and going dress shopping with “my girls.” But what really makes me feel bummed is thinking about a bridal shower and bachelorette party. How can I manage to have the “bridal experience” that I’m craving so much, without any friends?
OPEN THREAD: Biggest wedding disasters (and what to learn from them)
As the year ends, let’s all look back on this past years’ wedding season and ask ourselves: What was your biggest wedding disaster? We know you had things go wrong!
Sometimes the bad moments make the best stories. So let’s here yours…
OPEN THREAD: We had a thief at our wedding — what can we do?
During our wedding reception, several cards containing (apparently) money and gift cards were stolen. The only reason I know this, is because two of my bridesmaids told me that they thought they saw my (now) brother-in-law’s daughter pocketing something at the gift table. I’m super upset — not about the missing prezzies (although that sucks) — I just know what to do at this point. Did anyone else experience stealing at a wedding? How did you deal with it?