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4980545830 fa993c8a50 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Beth & Jay’s sunflower, kid-friendly, 40-something wedding

When asked what made her wedding offbeat, Beth said, “What, being gray and bald isn’t offbeat enough in our pretty young bride magazine world?” I say that anyone who rocks who they are and where they’re at in their life at their wedding (or in general) is just plain awesome. Beth and Jay did, in fact, rock their kid-friendly, 40-something second wedding. It included a traditional service featuring Beth’s kids as the wedding party, sunflowers, and lots of DIY details.

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Donielle & Wayne’s overindulgent industrial Parisan apothecary wedding

Donielle & Wayne didn’t just want a wedding they wanted to create an entire experience. They rented an abandoned warehouse next to a train station to have their ceremony. Afterwards they held a decadent candlelit dinner party reception.

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Leila & Don’s home-made barn party with a wedding and tattoos

Leila and Don had the most hard core farm wedding EVER complete with wedding tattoos. Seriously, they literally got tattooed together on their wedding day.

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Paisley & Gene’s Coney Island-themed carnival of love

If Paisley and Gene couldn’t go to Coney Island, Paisley and Gene brought Coney Island to them! Complete with sweet rides and sweet treats.

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A vegan planetarium wedding

The offbeat couple: Laura & Peter Location & date of wedding: The Walter R. Schuele Planetarium at the Lake Erie Nature and Science Center in Bay Village, Ohio. Reception at The Nicholson House in Lakewood, Ohio. — October 10, 2009 What made our wedding offbeat: We were married in a planetarium, by the planetarium director, […]

4115914414 2dd3dfa83b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

This dawn cave wedding had a $100 budget!

Here’s what I can tell you about this wedding: it happened at dawn… in a cave… and the budget was $100.