Category Archive

nonbinary / genderqueer

This is our collection of weddings where someone identifies as nonbinary or gender-queer. We celebrate all identities and have archives dedicated to transgender weddings, gay weddings, lesbian weddings, and bisexuality — as well as gender identity issues.

Genderqueer, sweets-loving, carousel wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

This genderqueer, sweets-loving, carousel wedding will have you in circles

A giant carousel, Mad-libs wedding advice, a gorgeous Santa Monica backdrop, loads of sweets and a killer dessert table, all surrounded by the cutest couple in pastels. This candy-filled carousel wedding is making us spin right ’round with all the love we’re seeing. Don’t miss the ultra sentimental tributes to their parents, too!

changing first and last name after marriage on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

I’m changing my first AND last name after marriage

Did I want to keep having the same tiresome, negative conversation with every new person that I meet? Not really. Is changing my entire name going to be incredibly inconvenient? Most certainly, in terms of process, costs, and social confusion. Is my happiness worth the inconvenience? When I asked myself that question, the answer was a resounding YES. Additionally, I now have no problem taking my partner’s (delightful) last name when I will also be taking my own first name, on my own terms.

LGBT wedding party alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

“I looked like a princette” My experience as a non-binary bridesmate

My best friend got married recently, which was exciting and amazing. I was in her bridal party, which was also exciting and amazing. The only issue was that I’m non-binary — that is, I’m transgender and not a man or a woman. I know that many other trans, especially non-binary, people find themselves pressured to present in a way that makes them feel awful at weddings. Through my experience I think I really learned a lesson about presentation and how much small details and accessories make you feel as a non-binary bridesmate.

Queer vegan Jewish wedding on @offbeatbride

A femme and a suit-wearing dreamboat have a must-see vegan Jewish wedding

“Tambourines. Fireball whiskey. Surprise crash by Daniel Kahn. Re-writing hetero Zionist wedding songs to be homo and diasporic.” This pair celebrates their non-gendered and gendered choices alike, as they were all about their own authenticity. Don’t miss the handmade skirt that made us swoon, the amazing rustic decor, beautifully chosen and customized Jewish traditions, and so so so much love in every photo.