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non-floral bouquet

You may have seen our bouquet alternatives archive, but let’s say you’re still looking at something that resembles a bouquet a bit more closely. You just aren’t sure if you’re completely into honest-to-goodness FLOWERS. We’ve rounded up a bunch of posts with nonfloral bouquets just for you!

10450415504 4fb41223b9 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Holly & Fernando’s teeny tiny Harry Potter renaissance festival wedding

Only a few weeks to prepare, only room for 12 guests… how can they make this work?! Oh, they so did. The small guest list totally fit this introverted couple’s preferences, and the intimate space amid the hustle and bustle of a renaissance fest was fabulously adorable. Add in some Harry Potter colors (Ravenclaws represent!), an “Always” necklace, and “Mischief Managed” rings, and you’ve got the recipe to brew up a love potion for us all.

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MJ & Josh’s wildlife sanctuary red and gold wedding

This isn’t a Game of Thrones red wedding, but it definitely is a RED RED WEDDING! A vivid crimson dress, shiny gold and red cake, and red crystal bouquets make it a much happier occasion. But if you’re planning to live stream your wedding, these two have a really important tip for you…

halloween wedding details alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Leslie & Stevan’s roller skating hula hooping pumpkin-filled Hallowedding

Hula hoops, foosball, and roller skates… oh my! This is one game-happy Halloween wedding. Add in the chic lollipop bouquet, the sequined shoes, and the bedazzled pumpkins, and it’s a pretty gorgeous wedding, too. Plus, you’ll never guess who convinced the couple to embrace the Halloween theme.

turnip rose promenade and gardens wedding pictures0361 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Candy, skulls, and horror movie props: Sounds like it’s Halloween on Offbeat Bride

One of my favorite things about Halloween is the candy; you can just imagine how excited I got over Offbeat Bride Leslie’s Halloween lollipop bouquet. The bouquet was made from lollipops bought at Candy Warehouse, the sticks are covered in pretty printed tapes. There’s more wedding candy, and dark Halloween-themed fun where that came from in this special Halloween week reader round-up!

zombie cake topper alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Jennifer & Brian’s vintage Halloween-infused October wedding

The bouquets were made from pages of Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King, and Red Riding Hood. The cake topper was a miniature zombie family. The place cards were actual TOE TAGS! And then… in classic horror movie style, all the lights went out during the reception! It wasn’t intentional, but that is one way to spook out your guests at a Halloween wedding. Just wait until you see what movie prop they used as a guest book!

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Paula & Brian’s Old Hollywood glam wedding

Live music, a wedding singer, and some retro glam make this wedding fabulous. And when you hear what went in to the pre-owned couture dress, you’ll have a new appreciation for all that beading! Add in a veggie feast, a wine box ceremony, and a sweet favorite song moment shared with the father of the bride, and you’ll swoon.