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6148064538 6a42dced38 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Melaina & Nick’s colorful playful and kid-friendly wedding

After hiring him to color her comics, he colored her world. D’aw! And a theme was born: color! That, along with everything playful and awesome, makes this artsy and geeky wedding a feast for the eyes and fun for all ages. Though a few mishaps were born of Hurricane Irene, somehow it all came together in the end.

doc martens as wedding shoes on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Mich & Dan’s gothic Transformers and cupcakes wedding

Tribe moderator Mich has a flair for DIY and it totally shows in her handmade dress, fascinator, shawl, bridesmaid dress, and 1000 paper cranes! And that’s not even listing everything. The rest of the story involves Transformers, gothic red and black details, and some of the sweetest dance moves, including a man-on-man Dirty Dancing lift.

sdfddd 012012 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A bookstore same-sex wedding with Dirty Dancing twist

This New York City wedding boasts a book store setting, lovely fashion, pretty Ketubah, and one of the cutest choreographed first dance numbers on record. Get ready for total adorableness and lots of movie references. Because nobody puts this wedding in a corner, okay?

jjur 011712 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Leah & Charles’ art gallery foodie wedding

Lots of DIY, paper cranes, photo booth hijinks, mini flags, and a glove-rocking mother of the bride, all wrapped up in an art gallery package surrounded by family and friends. Are you in? Thought so. Plus, you’ll learn some undergarment wisdom for the ages. Check out this food and art-loving wedding in our spring theme week.

COUPLE1 Jeff and Joyce alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

5 Offbeat couples whose weddings inspired me in 2011, plus a special discount for you

2011 was a tremendous year of growth for Milestone Images. I am thrilled to say, thanks to my amazing clients, and the extremely supportive community at Offbeat Bride, that the studio is growing by leaps and bounds. Meanwhile, here’s a look back at five offbeat couples whose weddings inspired me in 2011.

hjuijhiu 122811 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Cara & Kit’s motorcycling hula-hooping waterfall wedding

Things that rock about this wedding: DIY barefoot sandals, hula hoops, scenery to die for (or at least get a ticket from a park ranger for!), infectious smiles, and a motorcycle getaway. When the bridal headpiece is a motorcycle helmet, you know you’re dealing with some kick-ass people.