Category Archive

new york

Steampunk wedding as seen on @offbeatbride #steampunk #weddings

The red dress at this theatrical steampunk wedding is LIFE

Bethany and Adam knew their wedding would be one thing: theatrical. They both come from a theatre background and most of the wedding party are are artists and theatre technicians. They tapped into the collective skillsets to craft a steampunk soiree with a stunning red dress, gear details, gorgeous steampunk-themed cake, and luscious bouquets. The day of the wedding was a mad rush to decorate the venue, frost cupcakes, put together favors and centerpieces, set tables, and lace stubborn corsets. Let’s bask in the splendor of this theatrical steampunk wedding.

A New York travel theme wedding as seen on @offbeatbride #travel #weddings

We’ve got your first class ticket for this travel-themed wedding

Julie and Leo love to travel the world, so a travel theme at their New York wedding at Bear Mountain Inn was ideal. Think boarding pass seating cards, a globe-inspired cake, and a globe guest book. Their ceremony was officiated by Leo’s brother with their parents standing by their sides. It ended sealed with a travel-themed paper airplane throwing exit. Don’t miss the unrehearsed sing-a-long to a Les Miserables song where guests sang different parts!

Offbeat New York wedding venues as seen on @offbeatbride #newyork #weddings

Offbeat New York wedding venues from real offbeat weddings

Between Offbeat Bride readers, our archive of real weddings, and our Vendor Guide, we’ve seen a LOT of vendor recommendations. So we decided to start rounding up these nuggets of info sourced directly from our readers for a series of reader recommended vendor list posts. We’re continuing on to another one of our largest markets: venues in New York City and the greater New York area.

23857407129 51de1fa22a b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Hop the subway to this NYC park wedding with a yellow dress

This bride’s bright yellow high-low dress stole the show, especially when paired with her perfectly complementary purple hair. Add in the subway shots, the sunflower details, the awesome NYC park wedding ceremony, Hitchhiker’s Guide reference, and rockin’ dance party (’80s music FTW!), and you’ll be in love. Don’t miss the macaron display!

awesome wedding photography by Milestone Images alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

“EVERYONE has something they’re worried about”: How one photographer helps battle your wedding self-consciousness

EVERYONE of my clients has something they’re worried about. Everyone is either mourning the death of a parent, or managing divorced relatives, or grappling with body issues. So am I. We are all so blessedly, amazingly human, and I’m here to make you comfortable and document all the sweetness of your day. This is how I do it…

mike allebach wedding photography alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Sexy stormtroopers & the king of all photobombers: 5 unbelievable wedding photos from Mike Allebach

Look at that photo before you. Just look at it! Is this not one of the best bridesmaid photos you’ve ever seen? It’s like a photo straight from Darth Vader’s wedding album!

Speaking of great photos, allow me to show off four more so-awesome-they’re-almost-unbelievable photos from longtime sponsor, and friend of the Empire, Mike Allebach. And while we’re wrapping our minds around these incredible images, you can also wrap your mind around his special offer to our readers…