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Masquerade wedding ideas from real offbeat couples who’ve rocked their own masked weddings… include lots of masquerade wedding dress inspiration!

fguut 060612 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A gothically delicious ’til-death-themed wedding

They don’t like the usual wedding traditions, so why would they use them? Bring on the goth fashion, metal music, and the EPIC Jekyll and Hyde-themed bar! With an eyeball bouquet, lots of leather, a couple of gorgeous masks, and some clever DIY, this wedding was turned into a celebration of their personal connection.

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Stacy & Jeff’s backyard masquerade glam wedding

When life takes away your venue, you take back the party… in your backyard! This couple wanted a kick-ass masquerade ball and they had it… masks, feathers, glam decor and all. The bride also had a network of people who helped them save money and DIY. Crisis averted.

make it so 050912 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Video makeup tutorials for masquerade weddings WITHOUT masks

I saw this starburst-y, feathery makeup look on Pinterest and instantly fell in love with it thinking it would be amazing for a contemporary masquerade look (sans mask), an ’80s wedding, or any theme that demands an epic makeup look. I’ve pulled a few other tutorials that would also lend themselves to a modified masquerade, fairy wedding, or just a kick-ass bold bride.

Zajic Simeone Palm Beach Photography Inc Simeone1Bride002 low alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Phantom meets Halloween in this DIY masquerade wedding in Florida

When your groom is an artist capable of sculpting amazing gothic statues, you have to include them in your wedding decor. He also made their centerpieces and the amazing trees that fill their reception space. Kari does, and she and Rick DIYed this opulent, elegant, period-inspired masquerade Halloween wedding that we can all gawk at. Do gawk away, lovers.

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Tracey & Michael’s steampunk Venetian masquerade wedding

When it comes to Venetian versus steampunk, why pick one or the other? This couple went all out for a masquerade wedding in an art gallery. Inquire within for fire dancers, Dr.Suess vows, and a Mad Libs guest book.

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Jenifer & William’s opulent masquerade ball wedding

People look awesome in masks. It’s a proven fact. And this crew looks guh-mazing! Tack on major recycling ingenuity and the entire wedding in the spirit and you’ve got masque-madness.