We already had a big wedding, now how do we celebrate getting legalled?
So here’s the thing: my wife and I had our wedding already, as we never knew when, if ever, Prop 8 would be repealed. Thankfully it did! We can now legally get married. How can we have a “part two,” without it being as big as the first and having everyone ask so many questions? Any ideas on how to pull that off? Is anyone else in the same position as we are in now?
A “getting legalled” wedding sequel at the San Francisco Pride Parade
You might remember Meghan and Anne’s super fun log-cabin bagpipe-y wedding from a few years ago. And although they totally respected their wedding as, well, their wedding, they also wanted to take advantage of the benefits of getting legalled! So, right after the San Francisco Pride Parade in June, after they had finished playing with their bagpipe band, they headed over to City Hall to do the deed in all their parade finery.
The unexpected benefits of “getting legalled” before our wedding
The impetus behind our legalling came upon us quite unexpectedly: I became aware of a scholarship available to military spouses. The catch: I wouldn’t become a military spouse until my after the deadline to apply for the scholarship had passed. So we got legalled. As expected, having the ability to now apply for this scholarship is a wonderful thing. But something completely unexpected happened through this experience that I did not anticipate.
Let’s talk about “getting legalled”
Ok, so we’ve long been fans of the concept of “getting weddinged,” the act of having a wedding after you’re already legally married. But one of our twitter followers @ayahthetiger recently asked us, what do you call it when (thanks to the shifting marriage equality laws), couples do the reverse? If you’ve already had the non-legal wedding ceremony, what do you call it when you head down to the courthouse to make it official?
The best thing we could come up with was GETTING LEGALLED.