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geeky weddings

Gamers, comic book nerds, pop-culture enthusiasts, and geeks of all kinds: Offbeat Wed is the original home of nerdy weddings going way back to 2006. We’ve got geeky wedding ideas for all the fandoms: Doctor Who weddings, Star Wars weddings, Lord of the Rings weddings, Harry Potter weddings, Game of Thrones weddings, and so many more…

Have you seen these hand-painted heels yet?!

Have you seen these hand-painted Disney heels yet?!

I spied this luxe pair of heels and noticed that the soles are hand-painted with imagery from Beauty and the Beast! The artist who will custom pain your heels is Ashton Atelier and you can have your soles adorned with Disney faves like Rapunzel, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, and more.

The bottoms of your feet can be just as stunning as the tops!

Mawwiage in tights: a Princess Bride meets Robin Hood: Men in Tights wedding

Mawwiage in tights: a Princess Bride meets Robin Hood: Men in Tights wedding

There’s one definite way to get me excited about a wedding: tell me it’s a Princess Bride meets Robin Hood: Men in Tights theme. I am not worthy. Kaitlyn and Blaise love all things cosplay and Renaissance so it made perfect sense. We’re talking groomsmen in tights, two themed dresses and a crown for the bride (one that she made!), elf ears for everyone, and costumes galore including Gandalf, Dr. Strange, and Sonny and Sher-wood.

proposal ring box geode ring alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

21 unique proposal ring boxes that make it WAY harder to say no

Whether you’re planning to propose to your partner who loves D&D, Harry Potter, and Star Wars or your partner who loves rustic wood details and geometric designs, there’s a proposal ring box here for you. And the best part? You can shift this proposal box into a ring box for your ceremony! It’s a two-fer.

Don’t miss the capybara(!) ring box, the blooming flower pop-up box, the seashell box, the acorn box, and the DRAGON EGG box…

May the Fourth Star Wars wedding

Lightsabers & love at this May the Fourth Star Wars wedding

Holly and Kate’s May the Fourth Star Wars wedding had DIY Star Wars decor, lightsabers for every guest, and themed costumes galore. It was a sweet tale of love after loss and had so many fun and geeky details.

You don’t want to miss this one…

[caption id="attachment_185802" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Photos by Anne Stephenson Photography[/caption]

D&D, costumes, & epic music at this heavy metal wedding in Utah

Our wedding theme was Dungeons & Dragons! It's not just a game to us, it's a lifestyle. I have been playing since I was 12 — my dad Dungeon Mastered a group for me and my best girlfriends. Later, I met my husband through D&D. I have developed the most amazing friendships and family relationships through D&D and it only made sense to make it our wedding theme. We even picked character classes for the event. I was a Paladin and Henry was a Wizard…

Bookworms and gamer girls marry in style in New York

Bookworms and gamer girls marry in style in New York

We wanted the wedding to have vintage/library feel. Our escort cards were library due date cards and the centerpieces were books on the bottom with a lamp on top from IKEA. We came up with the decoration for everything and kept the tables as exposed woods to bring the vintage feel out — the venue sold itself! We placed books on the fireplace mantle and above all, since our wedding was also on Pride Day for NYC, we provided our guests with pride ribbons to wear upon arrival.