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geeky weddings

Gamers, comic book nerds, pop-culture enthusiasts, and geeks of all kinds: Offbeat Wed is the original home of nerdy weddings going way back to 2006. We’ve got geeky wedding ideas for all the fandoms: Doctor Who weddings, Star Wars weddings, Lord of the Rings weddings, Harry Potter weddings, Game of Thrones weddings, and so many more…

Arcade games & epic foliage at this whimsical green & purple wedding

Arcade games & epic foliage at this whimsical green & purple wedding

Laura and Creighton are gamers whose colorful green and purple wedding in Madison, Wisconsin blew our minds. From the epic amounts of foliage and greenery and whimiscal decor (that arch!) to the lush vine-covered cake to the Laura’s purple and green corset gown and matching hair, we were smitten by these two lovebirds.

Don’t miss the video games, board games, and arcade games(!) that gave everyone something rad to do at the reception…

Count the fandoms at this elegant & crafty super-nerd puzzlefest wedding

Count the fandoms at this elegant & crafty super-nerd puzzlefest wedding

I commissioned a Renaissance faire vendor to make my purple leather and multicolor dyed silk dress with an ornate Sailor Moon themed Silver Millennium detail on the back, and both of us wore cloth shoes that I had covered in art representing our favorite fandoms. We called our mixed-gendered wedding parties the Bridesguard and Groomsguard, and the perfect metaphor for us as a couple actually occurred right before the wedding when they took us out and shielded us from each others' sight so we could do an Articuno raid in Pokémon Go standing back to back before the ceremony.

It's Scotch and upturned kilts at this historical meets pop culture meets burlesque wedding

It’s Scotch and upturned kilts at this historical meets pop culture meets burlesque wedding

Our wedding included a lot of nods to nerdisms of which we're fans. We hosted our guests in a castle in Scotland for four days, and wanted to be sure that every minute was curated, so that they could relax and be swept away by their surroundings. The entire weekend was a reception that included a good amount of play and performance including burlesque and an owl meet and greet.

Nerdy vows & stunning views at this intimate Savannah nature preserve wedding

Nerdy vows & stunning views at this intimate Savannah nature preserve wedding

Joseph and Temprest wanted to celebrate with 20 of their closest friends in only 60 days or planning. They created the most joyful wedding at the Oatland Island Wildlife Center for the ceremony and a chic restaurant for their reception. Don’t miss the Pac-Man cake topper, loads of nerdy references in their vows, and the bride’s vintage-inspired birdcage veil.

I AM CAKE: this colorful Tennessee wedding had the most amazing Groot cake

I AM CAKE: this colorful Tennessee wedding had the most amazing Groot cake

This Tennessee wedding was full of color, loft style, performances by friends, amazing dances, pop culture-themed centerpieces,
and loads of twinkle lights. Sounds great, right? But just wait until you see the pièce de résistance, their amazing, geektastic sculpted Groot cake. How they cut into that, I’ll never know.

Get ready to see this whole geeky, colorful, full of Parks and Rec, Star Wars, and lots of love wedding…

I proposed to my boyfriend using the most romantic moment in Star Wars

I proposed to my boyfriend using the most romantic moment in Star Wars

I proposed to my fiance Simen on our anniversary, so I thought I’d share the story of how I did it with the most romantic part of Star Wars. I went on Etsy and I found a Star Wars fidget spinner ring. He likes Star Wars (though I had never watched any of it), and he fidgets a lot, so I thought it was pretty good. I asked my friend Benedikt JOKINGLY if there was a romantic moment in Star Wars.

He showed me one particular scene you may recognize…