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geeky weddings

Gamers, comic book nerds, pop-culture enthusiasts, and geeks of all kinds: Offbeat Wed is the original home of nerdy weddings going way back to 2006. We’ve got geeky wedding ideas for all the fandoms: Doctor Who weddings, Star Wars weddings, Lord of the Rings weddings, Harry Potter weddings, Game of Thrones weddings, and so many more…

This fun Chicago wedding and rock show

A hip Chicago wedding and rock show (with comic book & movie cameos!)

Matt and Kelly’s hip Chicago wedding had a private ceremony in the lounge at Logan Theatre in Chicago, and then a giant party/rock show with their favorite soul band The Hemispheres. They even flew in guest lead singer Todd Hembrook for the event!

Their mutual affinity for comic books and sci-fi appeared in a few places including Kelly’s custom-made comic book shoes. Matt’s cousin officiated the ceremony, incorporating their love of movies. Let’s see how these two comic book and movie nerds rock out in Chicago…

A galaxy themed tiny zoo wedding with tons of DIY

A galaxy themed tiny zoo wedding with tons of DIY

Our wedding was a mix of us wanting to keep it below a very certain budget and wanting to make it the most fun we could. The theme was sci-fi and we had fun with it. For starters, all of our centerpieces were hand-made by us, each being a scene from a TV show or movie we loved. These included Doctor Who, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Fifth Element, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. We also hid some dragons and unicorns in there as a reference to our favorite fantasy animals.

Roll for initiative at this gamer's dream geek chic wedding

Roll for initiative at this gamer’s dream geek chic wedding

The D&D geek theme started because I had the thought to myself, "you have encountered a wedding ceremony — roll for initiative." We both thought it was funny, and it sort of spiraled from there that all of our favorite nerdy things could be incorporated.

"A few of our favorite things": a nostalgic wedding down memory lane

“A few of our favorite things”: a nostalgic wedding down memory lane

The theme to our wedding was pretty simple: "these are a few of our favorite things." One of the things that made us fall for each other was our similar interests from childhood. We wanted our wedding to be full of nostalgiac whimsy and, most importantly, us. From the first day we were engaged we knew we wanted to get married at Childrens Fairyland in Oakland, a place near and dear to our hearts. You better believe I called the venue that first day while laying on the beach in Hawaii.

Stars meets nature: a subtly geeky lakeside wedding

Stars meets nature: a subtly geeky lakeside wedding with DIY for days

We combined our love for nature and the stars into a theme that came very easily for us. It helped that we found a venue that was the perfect setting to view the beauty of nature, as well as get a great view of the stars at night. To further our theme, I wanted to add a bit of a fantasy element so I decided to add subtle details that drew from Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, both of which we're big fans.

From Hogwarts to NYC: a Brooklyn Harry Potter wedding

Sort yourself into your new Harry Potter house with this sorting hat ceremony

Sera and John’s Brooklyn meets Hogwarts wedding had soooo much to love: pink hair, chocolate frogs, Honeydukes lollipops, Bertie Botts every flavor beans, A Daily Prophet program, wands for all guests, handmade potion bottle vases, a bouquet made out of Harry Potter books and charms, golden snitch cake pops, and more. It was a wild ride.

But our favorite part was their unity ceremony. You have to see it…