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Let the game-ification of your wedding day begin.

6151400013 6c11ec8858 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Erin & Ash’s rocker wedding in a dirty bar

These two were made to get married in the bar where they work and watch their favorite bands play. But they didn’t expect a cameo appearance from the lead singer of Soul Asylum. I don’t blame him for party crashing since they had awesome cupcakes, a fried noms “cake,” and a kick-ass rocker ceremony.

wow topper 112911 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A murloc cake, a rib cake, a ransom note invite, and lots of DIY projects

This Monday Montage is chock full of WoW love, ornament bouquets, ransom notes, and even a RIB CAKE! That Offbeat Flickr Pool never ceases to amaze, friends.

dfsdgfd 111711 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Karen & Ian’s swords and boards geek-tacular wedding

You say you want some geek chic in your life? We’re bringing it hardcore with this wedding. Gamers, sword fighters, King Richard VIII, the full Princess Bride ceremony, a D20 that determines who kisses who… it’s fantastic. Put your nerd pants on and check out this kick-ass wedding brought to you in the name of all things geek!

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The perfect Tetris piece wedding invitation

Is there anything more satisfying than getting that LONG Tetris piece right when you’ve built up that perfect pocket for it? Clearly Karen and Ian know what I’m talking about, what with their amazing interactive Tetris invitations.

omg 091211 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Jenny & Damon’s quirky steampunk Buddhist wedding

There are a lot of things to love about this wedding like the bride’s silver and blue dress, the groom’s monocle and cane, and the surprising sake ceremony. But frankly, I’m in it for the doughnut cake and glow sticks. There is definitely something for everyone at this creative shindig.

portalinvite 2 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Companion cube + cake = Portal wedding invitations

We originally brought you the Portal wedding cake. And then there was the engagement proposal as an elaborate Portal 2 level, and conceptual Portal wedding rings. But you have yet to see Portal wedding invitations… until NOW! Dun dun dun.