Downloadable fingerprint balloon guestbook
You probably know by now that we love us some guestbook alternatives. We wanted to add to our printable offerings with an alternative to the tree illustration: a hot air balloon being carried by the fingerprints of all your guests.
Ferne & Ben’s geeky science fiction wedding
The Day of the Doctor is coming in honor of Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary. What better way to relish one of our fave fandoms than to have a Doctor Who theme week? Today we’ve got a vintage dress, a huge homemade Dalek (and mini flower girl Dalek!), and a wedding guide made for us to “not panic!” It’s a sci-fi wedding… so say us all!
Faith & Aaron’s steamy Muppet wedding with a touch of Stephen Colbert
This combination of themes may seem a little odd at first, but once you see it, you love it! We’ve got Stephen Colbert-inspired cue cards, spin drums, steamy Western/sci-fi garb (complete with ray guns), flame-powered centerpieces, and some sweet children’s vows. You might also be inspired by their half public/half private vows, too. Oh, and wait until you see the faux “ink bleeder” pen made by the groom for the signing of the marriage certificate! Totally bad-ass.
A sweet and small fashionable wedding among the sequoias
Eloisa and Dan’s destination wedding surrounded by sequoias makes me want to cuddle up around a fire in my sleeping bag. They’re weren’t completely isolated though, since they were at Seven Circles Retreat in the teeny town of Badger, CA (population: 140!). If getting away from it all (and fashionably so) doesn’t pull you in, these other details just might: jam jar favors, a thumb print motorbike sketch, homemade lemon and mint water, and lots of Philippine and Romanian home-cooked food.