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wedding blues photo alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

13 things I wish I’d known on my wedding day

Well, the wedding was beautiful and fun and awesome by all accounts, but now I have the “shoulda-coulda-wouldas” and it’s getting me down. But please, LEARN from my mistakes! I offer you this advice as a bride who didn’t think of all of these things before the wedding…

how the venue search made me a better person alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How the venue search helped me grow as a person

The venue search has been one of the biggest learning experiences about myself. I just thought that if I kept on searching and searching the most perfect, affordable, and available venue would surface and announce it’s presence like a beautiful wedding whale. I didn’t want to just pick something out of desperation, but time was running out, people were getting annoyed and, I needed to do something quickly before I went completely nutter-butters.

expectations going down alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Offbeat Bride caused me to lower my expectations, and I’m okay with that

If you had talked to me a couple of years ago and said things like “backyard wedding” or “potluck dinner,” I would have smiled and said that was “lovely… for someone else.” Now though? Things are different. I’m a different person in a different relationship with different circumstances.

8722490158 169b300667 c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Open expectations: stop wanting the perfect wedding

Since I got engaged, I’ve been saying that I have “open expectations,” a phrase I learned here on Offbeat Bride. (Correct use of the term “open expectations” could be something like, “My expectations are not low, they are open.”) At thirty-three days to go until my wedding, I’ve learned that the best thing about open expectations is this…

bride and groom with flasks alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

It isn’t all sunshine and unicorns: Reconciling my wedding expectations with my likely wedding realities

In which a Tribe member lines up her great wedding day expectations, along with the crushing reality of the likely wedding day scenario, and realizes that, while it’s not all sunshine and unicorns, but it’s still gonna be pretty fucking awesome.

Wedding Party Flowchart alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Bitch, ditch or fix? The wedding attendant-saving flow chart

Sometimes bridal party issues just happen. What are your options? Demote them? Ditch them? Sit them down and have a talk?