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If you’re looking for unique engagement rings, offbeat proposal ideas, nontraditional engagement photo inspiration, or even engagement party vibes, this is the spot for you!

Help me, Obi-wan, my only hope is this engagement shoot with Star Wars jerseys and Pokéballs

Help me, Obi-wan, my only hope is this engagement shoot with Star Wars jerseys and Pokéballs

Ben proposed to Alyssa with a stunning vintage ring nestled inside a Pokeball that said “I choose you!” So it made total sense that these adorable nerdy birds wanted to snag some engagement photos decked out in their nerdy gear — specifically their Star Wars Jerseys.

May the Fourth is only two days away so this adorable couple will surely usher us into the Tatooine spirit. But not back to Jakku! May the force be with them, always.

Love in the stacks: a literary engagement shoot with two cute brides-to-be

Love in the stacks: a literary engagement shoot with two cute brides-to-be

This beautiful pair of ladies both work for a big city public library system so a literature-themed engagement session was on the agenda. They added even more meaning to it by finding the perfect book store to match their intentions. Let’s hear from bride-to-be Amara on how she and her partner Ginny decided where and how to rock a bookish engagement session (all while juggling a photographer swap and the hurdles of planning a wedding as plus size, queer people!)…

You'll believe magic is real when you see these Wizarding World engagement photos

You’ll believe magic exists when you see these Wizarding World engagement photos

The Wizarding World in Orlando, Florida was the perfect place to encourage their magical minds and this spirit of playfulness that makes them so fantastic together.

five carat moissanite engagement ring alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

These moissanite engagement rings are the affordable, ethical alternative to earth-mined diamonds

We trawled some of our fave indie jewelers to get the scoop on diamond alternatives such as lab created diamonds and moissanite engagement rings. It was illuminating and awesome — you can avoid hurting the environment and still get a truly unique and gorgeous ring..

We are making serious eyes at these swank & colorful engagement rings

We are making serious eyes at these swank & colorful engagement rings

Sure, diamond engagement rings are classic and timeless, but maybe not totally you? That’s where gemstones come in. The world is truly your rainbow when it comes to colorful engagement rings. Our partners at BBBGem specialize in custom jewelry and a massive selection of engagement rings and wedding bands. The best part? It’s all seriously affordable.

Funny Christmas card engagement: How a racy "dudoir" Christmas card turned into a new funny card tradition (and an engagement!)

How a racy Christmas card turned into a new funny card tradition (and an engagement!)

I heard a very silly tale that turned out to be pretty damned romantic that I just had to share. Alyssa saw a hilarious “dudoir” Christmas card that piqued her interest. This led to a new relationship, new tradition of creative Christmas cards, and an eventual proposal.

Here’s the whole tale from Alyssa herself…