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This our archive of DIY weddings. If you’re looking for free wedding printables and wedding DIY tutorials, we can do that too. We’ve got everything from wedding decor DIY projects to fashion DIY, and of course DIY wedding favors. But for the love of god, mostly everyone wants wedding invitation DIY — we’ve got it all!

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Jessica & Jacob’s low-key ’50s-Style wedding

At first I was like, “I love that dress!” and then I was all, “I love that hat!” And finally I said, “I love this wedding!” 1950s-inspired fashion, a low-key dinner after some geeky vows (Lord of the Rings and Doctor Who included), fun with a piñata, and a bazillion folded cranes — this is a wedding to savor.

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Lari & Andrew’s elegant DIY wedding with a surprise parade

If you want to be surprised at your own ceremony, it definitely helps to know a former stand-up comedienne to officiate and bring the lulz. And she didn’t fail them with secretly written abbreviated stories of the lives of the couple. A surprise Dia de los Muertos parade, some clever DIY, and a classy venue — even the shoes say “Hell Yes!”

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Mary & Charles’ crafty roller derby tiki wedding

This destination wedding brings a reluctant to fly Midwest family to San Diego for a tiki-meets-roller derby party with cool DIY details like crocheted bouquets. Things get pretty crazy at the reception with an order to drink more booze and a lady in a chicken hat. It also takes a pretty cool bride to admit her mistake in her advice to other Offbeat Brides.

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Emily & Bill’s rainy and cozy camp chapel wedding

A very cool Texas guest book, a Bender card box, towers full of homemade cupcakes (and zombie cupcakes!) , and all the ladies wearing cowboy boots: it’s a feast for the eyes! Plus, they shared not only a first dance, but THE very first dance ever together. And if all that isn’t enough, there’s a cute pooch wearing a bow tie. You’re hooked now.

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Trisha & Matthew’s lots of DIY colorful wedding

I think if I were to hire a bride to make my own DIY details, this would be the one. She made awesome paper flowers and a rolled magazine page card box, but the most amazing contributions were the FABULOUS bridesmaid dresses and homemade cake — all of which look professional. This bride and her helpers have major talent. On top of it all, this pair is so damned cute that I will call them Squishies and they will be my Squishies.

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Anne-Louise & Jon’s casually elegant party with bubbles and a tango

They may not be professional tango dancers or always remember to plug in the bubble machine, but these two know how to throw a party in the spirit of their house-warming parties of the past. After ten years together, they really didn’t know how much two years of planning would strengthen their relationship, but we’re very glad it did.