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This our archive of DIY weddings. If you’re looking for free wedding printables and wedding DIY tutorials, we can do that too. We’ve got everything from wedding decor DIY projects to fashion DIY, and of course DIY wedding favors. But for the love of god, mostly everyone wants wedding invitation DIY — we’ve got it all!

autumn bridal bouquet alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A Wes Anderson-themed Thanksgiving wedding

These two pulled in their family and friends to help out: it turns out they’re related to a minister, a florist, and the pair of photographer-videographer-DJs that make up Post & Beam Co. The love these guys have for nature is clear — there are so many animal and plant touches. These guys are also big-time Wes Anderson fans, and used a bit of the filmmaker’s style — especially with references to Fantastic Mr. Fox.

galacticat wedding photo alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Ferne & Ben’s geeky science fiction wedding

The Day of the Doctor is coming in honor of Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary. What better way to relish one of our fave fandoms than to have a Doctor Who theme week? Today we’ve got a vintage dress, a huge homemade Dalek (and mini flower girl Dalek!), and a wedding guide made for us to “not panic!” It’s a sci-fi wedding… so say us all!

9135954460 0218e8a7f8 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Michelle & Lucas’ DIY literary wedding with the 10th Doctor

The Day of the Doctor is coming in honor of Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary. What better way to relish one of our fave fandoms than to have a Doctor Who theme week? Today we’ve got a pair with a penchant for books, comics, and of course, the 10th Doctor! The groom even wore his signature suit. They both wore Chucks, carried Sonic Screwdrivers, and had a lovely handfasting to boot.

black and white bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

The author of “Mario Kart Love Song” gets hitched

Karen and Sam’s wedding took place at Preservation Park in downtown Oakland, California — and it turns out this park is the perfect backdrop for creative couples who are infatuated with all things CUTE. Everything from the rainbow paper cranes to the happy-faced plushies decorating the reception spot is adorbz.