Category Archive

diy cake

cake alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

22 wedding cakes that don’t look like wedding cakes

I like doing cake round-ups if you haven’t noticed. I’ve done groom’s cakes, cupcake displays and geeky wedding cakes so far. But sometimes some offbeat wedding cakes defy categorization. Here is a round-up of some wedding cakes and don’t actually fit the “wedding cake” mold… -Megan

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Theresa & Andy’s stress-free, vegan rainforest wedding

Theresa & Andy wanted a stress-free yet meaningful wedding day. As an anthropologist, Theresa gets her “geek on” about rituals, so they carefully planned out every detail of their ceremony. This meant a small vegan rainforest wedding followed by a cruise on the Daintree River.

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How to DIY your own cupcake wrappers

Cupcakes are the bestest… we all know that right? There’s a new trend in weddings to go portable with the sweets, and cupcakes fit the bill. Homemade or gourmet, they’re hard to resist and I have a fancy schmancy new way for you to DIY dress up your little cupcake morsels of delight!

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Rachel & Tom’s Ultimate DIY Halloween Party with Nuptials

Rachel & Tom’s wedding doubled as a killer Halloween party: including eyeball sangria, sugar skulls, spider webs, and lots of hidden flasks.

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Suzie & Martin’s Moulin Rouge meets Dr. Who Vienna wedding

The offbeat bride: Suzie, kindergarten teacher and student (and OBT member “Suzie Müllner“) Her offbeat partner: Martin, electrician and photographer Location & date of wedding: 8th district of Vienna — 24.07.09 What made our wedding offbeat: We decided to forget about this traditional Austrian wedding stuff, because that’s not really us. So, the location was […]

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Katie & Victor’s funny, simple, eco-friendly Ohio wedding

The Offbeat Bride: Katie, Woman of the World Her Offbeat Partner: Victor (Victy, Victory, Boyfriend), USAF Officer Location & date of wedding: Qualicrest Farm, Wooster, Ohio, USA, North America, Earth — May 25, 2008 What made our wedding offbeat: We tried to make our wedding guest focused and had a GREAT time! Plus, when planning […]