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Considering a wedding corset dress? What about a wedding corset and skirt? We’ve got tons of inspiration and ideas for you, including some amazing wedding corset makers. If you’re into corsets, you might always want to check out our steampunk weddings and renaissance fair weddings.

photo by ellie bolton alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

7 funky red details to infuse into your wedding plans

Another Monday, another Montage. Recently, the Offbeat Bride Flickr pool has been flooded with red and white weddings and I’ve been loving all of the ornate red details … hence, this week’s theme. So, enjoy a few white wedding dresses with pops of red, some divine red accessories, and one red hat-as-frisbee.

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Monday Montage: poofy pink dresses, babes in white and some silly storm troopers

Welcome to another edition of the Monday Montage. This week we have some fun and froofy pink dresses, ladies in white and some groovin’ groomsmen. P.S. Don’t forget to submit your photos to the pool. If you’re lucky, they might even end up on here.

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Jessica & Joseph’s steampunk/neo-Victorian gamer love celebration wedding

You may remember Jes’s two fabulous dresses from the Monday Montage a few weeks back. This thoughtful, geeky, steampunk wedding won’t disappoint. -Becca

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Heather and Chris’s wedding teaser

It feels like forever ago when I excited showed you the hand-constructed Victorian duck busts that Tribe member Hev (aka. Heather) made to use as cake toppers. Well lookie! Heather done got married!…