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Looking for wedding budgeting tips, real wedding budget breakdowns, wedding budget hacks and advice? We’ve got it all. Also, be sure to snag our wedding budgeting spreadsheet to REALLY get your wedding budget handled.

GVw 275large alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

What our wedding was really worth

I have financial guilt the way my Catholic friends have sex guilt. I do spend money; they do have sex. But it’s rare we’re entirely comfortable during the act, and we almost always question ourselves after. I can imagine so many other things to spend money on — good things, things that will last longer, things more deserving, things more logical.

4956491612 27b445b3d4 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Lindsey & Nick’s Oregon Coast adventure honeymoon

Lindsey & Nick’s relationship began on an overnight trip to Seaside, Oregon, so it was only natural that they return to the Oregon Coast for their honeymoon. And they did it all on a micro budget!

vintage milk bottle wedding favors on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Cheap wedding favors: 8 clever ways to save money on your wedding favors

Bridal magazines feature a heap of mass produced “personalized” wedding favors that cost a fortune once you multiply your gifts by fifty… or heck, even 300!

Now of course, the cheapest way to do wedding favors is not to do them at all, which is cool by us!

That said, for those who have chosen to do favors for their guests, here are some cunning ways I’ve found to source cheap gifts for your loved ones without resorting to taffeta bags of almonds…

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7 wedding details we skipped that I didn’t miss

I thought I would write a bit about the things we skipped that we didn’t miss on our wedding day. This isn’t what we skipped that is normally in a WIC wedding, though there are lots of those too. This is about the things we seriously considered doing/getting, but then decided not to. Here goes…

you sit on a throne of lies mug on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Would you lie to vendors about your wedding to get a cheaper deal?

Frustrated with services that cost more once the word “wedding” is attached, some folks choose to lie to vendors to save money.

logo e1266864961636 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How to get a lower budget hotel wedding

Jezebel recently did a post addressing how wedding costs can add up (In The Long Run, Your Wedding Could Cost You Big Time), and while the post itself is somewhat interesting, I was completely taken by a comment posted by a user named geekgirlliz, who caters weddings. Here were geekgirlliz’s excellent tips on how to […]