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economical wedding

This is our celebration of weddings working with lower budgets. We don’t call these “budget weddings,” because realistically EVERY wedding has a budget — some weddings are just working with a smaller budget. We’ve got tons of low-budget wedding inspiration and ideas — come get inspired by how other couples have made the most of their money! You may also want to check out our wedding budgeting advice.

thumb alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Lesley & Nick’s laid back, vegetarian, Buddhist wedding

Lesley & Nick wanted a simple wedding without breaking the budget. They cut costs by DIY’ing, cutting things they didn’t need and hiring an aspiring photographer. They kept the ceremony at ninety guests and then had everyone (including those who didn’t attend the ceremony) meet at a bar after for drinks!

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Hayley & Patrick’s color-scheme-free, crazy-hair-filled wedding dorkfest

Haley & Patrick are lucky in the sense that both of their parents were very supportive of their offbeat-ness. This allowed them to have their wedding day their way. So, they had a quaker ceremony, followed by a reception filled with games and dancing!

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Sharon & Martin’s geeky family wedding extravaganza with fireworks

Sharon & Martin wanted their wedding to be more like a party than a wedding. So they had a quick ceremony at their favorite tex-mex restaurant, Joe T Garcia’s. Followed by a firework filled bash at Sharon’s parents house!

rhi alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Rhiannon & Graham’s viking and folk-metal wedding by a castle

Rhiannon & Graham are both huge fans of Scandinavian Folk Metal. They like it because the lyrics are rooted in history and mythology. They used this as their inspiration while creating their Viking inspired ceremony as well as the overall aesthetic of the wedding.

4 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Angel & Dave’s old-school glamour, “Dangelous” backyard wedding

Instead of choosing a theme, Angel & Dave just went with what they wanted. It resulted in a red, black and silver themed outdoor wedding in Angel’s grandparents’ backyard. The funniest part was when their son Trent interrupted the ceremony by making laser noises with a big stick and said, “Don’t worry mommy, I busted all the ghosts.” Adorable!

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Kimmy & Ramzi’s hill country sunset wedding with bells!

Kimmy & Ramzi didn’t think their wedding was gonna happen. However, one day Kimmy googled, “free wedding venues in Austin” and they literally found the venue of their dreams! And it was free to boot!