Category Archive

blue dress

What if your SOMETHING BLUE was your blue wedding gown? We think blue wedding dresses are GORGEOUS and have assembled this collection for your enjoyment. And if you’re considering a blue wedding dress, maybe you’re interested in blue hair or blue shoes?

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Jenna & Trevor’s vegan tree-hugging wedding

When your mother’s blue dress looks amazing on you, you wear it come hell or high water. And that’s what Jenna did at her backyard, eco-friendly party. It’s simple weddings week, and this event was nothing if not two days of simply enjoying family, love, and homemade food on a budget.

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Tara & Chuck’s intimate art gallery budget wedding

Two months to plan and catering-phobic? Now there’s a challenge. But this pair came up with a plan and managed to get amazing pasta and NOM-worthy desserts to their guests’ tummies. They also learned a hard lesson that combining flowers and mini-fridge freezers spells flower disaster. But trust me, none of that made this tiny affair any less awesome.

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Maureen & Derek’s Scottish humanist two-part wedding

This two-part wedding had an intimate humanist ceremony followed by amazing seafood at a local restaurant and then a cracking ceilidh for the rest of the guests the next day. Though there were some hiccups with the liquor license, this wild bunch still managed to leave some blood on the dance floor from the “dance of death!” Wild, woolly, and amazing. Would you want it any other way?

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Corsets, killer shoes, faery wings, and a zip lining wedding

This Monday Montage is full of amazing dress fashion, skull shoes, pink saddle shoes, zip lining, and even some wings. The Offbeat Flickr Pool wins again!