Comfy wedding shoes for foot TLC [UPDATED!]
Not all of us can hobble around in sky-high stilettos and inexpensive but back-breaking shoes. Some of us have tootsie issues, chronic illness, orthotics, and generally just want to be able to walk for a lot of hours in cozier shoes. That’s where these comfortable wedding shoes come in. We’ve collected a whole bunch of cushy-but-cute wedding shoes that will last you a good long while running around on your wedding day.
I need to talk about my custom “something blue” Victorian Boots
When plain blue boots aren’t going to cut it because you need those absolutely perfect boots you saw online somewhere, it’s time to go looking for your “fairy godvendor” on Etsy so they can make them for you.
Here are the “something blue” Victorian boots I had made for my wedding.
49 wedding shoe photos to make your heart dance (and your mouth water)
From creative photography ideas, to even more creative wedding shoe customization, to the sparkly, or colorful, or comfortable shoes of your wedding dreams! Some of these are so good you could eat them… literally! These wedding shoe photos have got your eyes and feet covered…
The world’s most perfect blue wedding shoes? [Updated]
I’m not sure, but I think these might be the perfect blue wedding shoes… flats so you can walk? Check. Soft suede that feels amazing? Check. Blue for those of you going for the “something old, something new, etc etc” angle? Check. Ballet-influenced look? Check. But if these are not your style… we got other options for you!