Colorful queer DIY handfasting & potluck wedding celebration
We had a fall wedding with an outdoor ceremony in Finland. The guests were asked to participate in form of a potluck wedding – I provided the recipes and a friend helped by organizing who brought what.
Sensory-friendly wedding: how one bride avoided overload
Maybe our can give comfort to the weirdo who feels they fit too many ‘offbeat’ tags; the immigrant who loves a culture that doesn’t always respect them; the ill who can’t handle the sensory toll; the traumatized who struggles to believe that they are loved; the abused who can’t bring themselves to cut a toxic cord…
Books, love, and a lot of DIY at this queer wedding
I knew from the beginning that it was important to me, as a bisexual woman and someone with scoliosis, that I felt beautiful and myself on my wedding day. I dressed like the queer elf queen of my dreams.
At our reception, we had thrifted board games available for people who didn’t want to dance, and some of our friends played Trivial Pursuit all night!
Lord of the Rings wedding ceremony script with handfasting
Jess and Sarah’s handfasting script was inspired by their love for Middle Earth and Tolkien. Lord of the Rings fans will love how the four elements are symbolized in the four cords this couple used for their handfasting ceremony.