A retro polka-dot cocktail party wedding
Retro dresses, victory rolls, in-ceremony Facebook updates, a pre-ceremony cocktail party, lots of polka-dots, and an impromptu feat of strength on the dance floor: it’s a retro wedding for everyone!
10 bad-ass bespectacled brides (and some grooms in glasses!)
It’s been awhile since we had a collection of brides in spectacles, so I thought it was high time for another look. We definitely get a lot of them in our real life weddings, so we know it’s popular among our Offbeat Brides. Plus, there’s a helping of grooms in glasses too. So put on your glasses so you can see what the hell is going on in this superficial snack of sexy bespectacled brides!
Nicole & Chris’ rockabilly bowling wedding in Las Vegas and Texas
This retro-loving pair incorporated bowling, Vegas, rockabilly fashion, and photo op hijinks into their awesome two-part day. This included an intimate ceremony in Vegas, followed by a crazy bowling party in Dallas with a candy bar and the most adorable sundae-shaped flower centerpieces!
Natural Black hairstyles part two: the bigger the better!
Our first natural Black hair post was kind of a hit, so planning a part deux was a no-brainer. I raided Pinterest for more and came away with a ton of new favorites. Check out this second homage to natural textures.