Anya’s rainbow wedding dress
We all know I’m a sucker for a colorful wedding, but my eyes almost fell out of my skull when Zahra emailed me about Anya’s full-spectrum Australian rainbow wedding …
LaSherra & Brandon’s Spring wedding with a hip-hop soundtrack
You’ve seen the breakdancing and broom jumping awesomeness from this wedding before, now get the whole story on this classic hip-hop wedding.
Kimi & Paul’s Jug Band, Critter-Filled Wedding
The Offbeat Bride: Kimi, artist and designer Her Offbeat Partner: Paul, artist and museum worker Location & Date of wedding: Audubon Boathouse, Prospect Park Brooklyn — 9/12/2008 What made our wedding offbeat: I’m half-Japanese Hawaiian and half Jewish, and my now-husband is an ex-Mormon, so tradition was out the window. All we wanted was a […]
Teena & Anthony’s Delicious Orange Creamsicle Wedding
The offbeat bride: Teena, marketing coordinator and soon-to-be Etsy shop owner My offbeat partner: Anthony, video editor extraordinaire Location & date of wedding: San Francisco Bay — literally, we were on a boat What made our wedding offbeat: Reflecting our approach to life, our wedding was simple, part handmade, part eco-friendly, part budget-conscious, and part […]