Category Archive


Based on reader feedback that it was “hard to find any weddings of people of color,” we started tagging posts that featured a BIPOC bride and/or groom — and/or means you’ll find tons of interracial couples in here! Increasing visibility for BIPOC folks has been a priority for us since 2008, and note that we always allow folks to self-identify. More about how and why we do this here.

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Tera & Bret’s casual literary DIY wedding

The offbeat bride: Tera, leader in service (Tribe member) Her offbeat partner: Bret, aspiring author Location of wedding: Pierce County Environmental Services Building, University Place, WA — February 18, 2010 What made our wedding offbeat: We were handfasted in a small elopement-type ceremony in the abandoned construction zone where we had our first real date. […]

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Andy & Nadine’s geeky, multicultural, Austin foodie wedding

You might remember Nadine’s One-Up mushroom ring pillow idea. Now see it in action in their geek-tastic Austin wedding that had at least eight different vendors just for their food! See how they pulled it all off…

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Alexa & Kevin’s casual, green, beach party wedding weekend

Baby, it’s cold outside. Sit back, listen to the fireplace roar, and enjoy Day 1 of Beach week and this science-nerd, muli-cultural, lawn-game-playin’ wedding!

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Beca & Martin’s classy-as-fuck tea party wedding

You’ve already seen their incredible first kiss. Get ready too be wowed by their bad-ass tea party and then warm up your voice for some drunken motown at their after-party.