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These posts are all about getting married in backyards — sometimes the couple’s OWN backyard, and sometimes the backyard of a friend of family member. You may also want to check out our archive of at-home weddings.

saranade alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Rosemary & Christopher’s hippie pagan eco diy celebration of love

The offbeat bride: Rosemary, graduate student Her offbeat partner: Christopher, graduate student Location & date of wedding: June 21, 2008 in a friend’s wild back yard and forest, near Montreal, QC What made our wedding offbeat: We made up our own ceremony to be exactly what we wanted it to be, which meant throwing out […]

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Kate & Matt get weddinged in a backyard

The offbeat bride: Kate, admin lackey (midwife-wanna-be) Her offbeat partner: Matt, wind turbine tech Location & date of wedding: My parents’ backyard in Wadsworth, Ohio. May 10, 2008. What made our wedding offbeat: Well, first of all, we were already married! We met in a chemistry class last fall, got engaged by Thanksgiving, and decided […]

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The beauty of simplicity: When a family member gets a terminal diagnosis, your wedding priorities shift

This weekend I attended the wedding of my brother-in-law Chris in Missoula. He and his fiance, Sacha, had intended to get married in September … but when they got the word a couple weeks ago that Chris’s mother’s cancer was back with a vengeance and her time is limited, they moved the wedding up by four months.

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Katie’s at-home Washington wedding

I think two things really set the tone for our offbeat wedding: 1.) Save the date magnets with ketchup and mustard bottles holding hands and smiling with, “some things just go together! Please save the date for our wedding” and 2.) A quote by Thornton Wilder on our (very lovely) invitations: “my advice to you, is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while it is on your plate.”

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How to make a wedding porta potty less gross and more awesome

Porta potties have gotten a bad rap. Typically, the blue-water nightmares at crowded outdoor events are poorly maintained and abused by drunks, and you’re more likely to find a turd on the toilet seat than you are a roll of toilet paper. But it doesn’t have to be that way at your wedding…