Non-traditional, non-religious, NON-BORING officiant wedding script
We twisted some traditions and added our own flair (champagne toast! unity box full of letters! serenade!) to create a beautiful ceremony that I am happy to share with others.
Sarah & Jillian’s Halloween costume-optional queer wedding
Winery photos, autumn details, and two cuties who got married on their five-year anniversary — are you in or what?! There’s also amazing advice about seating charts, eating before the ceremony, altering your outfits, leftover catering, and more. Seriously, this pair knows what they are doing!
Amanda & Meghan’s glittery queer wedding
Two dresses, two ladies, and many ways to love this wedding. Don’t miss the emotional vows, the perfect-for-them readings, the shiny aisle decor, and the pet-themed cake. But the dance party at the reception may just trump it all — as long as you don’t split your pants while you’re dipping it low!
Grooms in veils and a solo by The Mama Tits: just another gay Seattle wedding
After a decade-long partnership, Jeremy and Eric were finally married last June — on the very day that the state of Washington converted most state-registered domestic partnerships into legally recognized marriages! The couple said their vows on their own backporch in front of a few close loved ones. Damn, everything looks perfect. The colors, the smiles, the view, the weather — it all looks lovely and intimate and romantic and everything a wedding should be between two people who’ve been together so long.