TARDIS candy buffets, magical photos, adorable couples, and kids in this Reader Roundup
Ariel called this photo of Nancy and her new husband “magical.” I call it fucking STUNNING! What do you call it? And you have to see her adorable flower girl… Oh and the TARDIS candy buffet… and some adorable bearded grooms and hula hooping brides…
Andrea & Steve’s laid-back Mario-themed budget wedding
Old skool Nintendo details abound in this bright and happy state park wedding. We’ve got a handmade Mario brick block card box, a Mario and Peach cake with baby mushroom cupcakes all around, and cactus favors which fit right into the theme. But it wasn’t all just gamer hijinks: sweet vows and a super meaningful ring made it all very romantic. Oh, and you’ll LOVE this pair’s unity ceremony!
Striped wedding shoes, summer 2013 edition
When I featured polka-dot shoes last month, I got more than a few messages saying “Striped shoes next!” Ever one to appease the offbeat needs, I am here with a boat-load full of striped wedding shoes.
How to get your wedding party involved (and not hate you afterwards)
We’ve talked many times about the challenges that can arise when your wedding attendants are helping you organize your wedding, but I’m not sure we’ve ever addressed how you can get help from your bridesmaids or other wedding party members. It’s a delicate dance, to be sure… you want help with your wedding, and ideally you want the people helping you not to hate you after it’s all done. You can totally do it. Here’s how.