These Doctor Who Porta-potties make outdoor bathrooms actually FUN
If your outdoor wedding needs some bathroom accommodations of the bright blue variety, you’re only one step away from nerdtastic Doctor Who Porta-potties. Rae and Jason had a Doctor Who meets Renaissance faire wedding and these TARDIS Porta-potties fit right in. They snagged a few large-sized police box stickers, stuck ’em on the top of the blue portable toilets, and voila: instant TARDIS.
Dramatically gorgeous dark fairy wedding
Unseelie royalty has arrived in their finery: a rich red gown, red and black leather, and lush florals at this dark fae wedding. The castle backdrop betrays their status among the other dark fae in the Unseelie court. Don’t miss this stunning wedding with visuals that will knock your socks off and geeky references to tickle your nerd bone.
So you want to reaffirm your lurve: 9 non-rules for how to plan a vow renewal
We never scoff at more parties. Bring on the parties, amirite?! In this case, we’re talking about vow renewals as your second party. Or maybe vow renewals as an intimate promise between just you and your partner. Either way, there’s so much more flexibility and freedom with vow renewals that it’s hard not to get excited about the possibilities. Want to know how to plan a vow renewal? Here are our non-rules for doing it up renewal-style.
Break a watch to stop time during your wedding + TIMESTOP DnD wedding ideas!
What sci-fi-loving kid (or adult. I am certainly not one to judge) has not dreamed of manipulating time with a broken watch? If you and your partner are of a particularly geeky bent, consider working this broken-watch ceremony into your wedding rituals.