Do you remember that time I freaked out about the couple who made a Save the Date video parody of an iPad commercial? Since that time our darling offbeat brides have produced so many more freak out-worthy Save the Date videos. Allow me to share them with you!
Betsy shared her self-made Save the Date video with us — it's sourced from thirteen years worth of cards, letters, photos, cinema stubs from their first date, high school, college, Betsy leaving to the US and then their reunion.
Y'all, I can die happy because Pamela and her fiance made a Save the Date video based on the Family Matters opening sequence. If they weren't already getting married, I'd marry BOTH of them because, clearly, they are two of the most amazing people on Earth.
Sean and Chelsea hooked up with to produce this amazing Steampunk Save the Date video.
Here's Liz's homemade, stop-motion, animated keyboard letter Save the Date video, set to the music of the White Stripes.
For more stop-motion goodness, here's Jenn's Save the Date video created by Mallory Berry. Love the map traversing.
Nicole and her fiance made a remix of the "iPad is..." commercials to create video Save the Date. They're adorable and filled with lots of... Read more
And finally a Save the Date video using Lego, from the aptly named LegoLady! She explains, “We decided to do video save the dates, not only to save paper, but also because our awesome photographer surprised us with this video to fit our Lego theme.”
Save the Date videos are awesome, save dough (no stamps or paper to buy!), and are an awesome opportunity to show your guests a little preview of the fun to come. So get yourself and a Vimeo account and save that date! If you have a Save the Date video you'd like to share, leave it in the comments!
I think this is amazing! I immediately e-mail the future husband and I really REALLY hope he runs with it. He’s a digital comm. major, so this could be so fun!!!! Thanks!!! 🙂
I love STD videos! We also did one with our kiddos. We realized though that we didn’t want a long video. Ours ended with 1 second to spare under 4 minutes total. The catch? Over half of it is bloopers and gags, thanks to the kids! We loved it and our guests loved it too! We made it on iMovie and uploaded it to Vimeo. Here’s the link, check it out, if you’d like. 🙂
Man, some of these are so awesome and polished, I almost feel embarrassed sharing ours. D:
Here it is anyway! 😀
Vicotry!! And a kitty! Looks great 😀
Your video is my favourite save the date so far! 😀
What! This is AWESOME!!
I’m pretty proud of the one I did for our wedding. I was trying to channel the old-school home-video vibe. Thus it’s un-polished look 🙂
All of these videos are so sweet, creative, and awesome! I teared up in every one 🙂 Yes, the ones in the comments too!
I created a short video Save the Date using some of our engagement photos.
Adam + Amy: Save the Date! from Amy Rainey on Vimeo.
I’ve been working on ours for awhile! I’ll definitely post it here when its done 🙂
Our STD video set the tone for our wedding. We loved making it!
Well that didn’t work! I was trying to post a link to our video- it was so much fun to make and it really set the tone for our wedding!
Here’s ours!!
Here’s ours from our wedding last year:
We’re getting married in the Mayan Rivier in Mexico. We had a blast shooting and editing this. You know it’s good when someone’s reply is, “you guys are nuts”
Aw, you guys remembered us! Yay! I love Save the Date videos. They are so creative and reflect the couple so much better than paper. After ours ( and the amazing Jeff and Erin’s Epic Wedding Trailer (, this is my favorite:
OK, I fail:
A video STD was the best way to 1) instantly email out plus save money & trees, 2) showcase some awesome shots from our engagement shoot, 3) set the mood for our off-beat wedding. Here is ours from our wedding last year!
I was freaking out because Asbury is only ~20 minutes from my house. Then, come to find out that the wedding was right here in my hometown. THE AWESOME IS SO CLOSE BY.
Doing a video Save the Date was REALLY fun for us. Plus, all the money we save on postage and paper was fantastic! Here’s our video:
I have GOT to share my sister’s save the date 🙂
hrm how to embed?? anyone??
well here is her save the date:
That Family Matters one was Hilarious!
Hi everyone, awesome videos! This is our save the date “Astro Combat, Episode V: The Bride Strikes Back” with a little ‘Sh*t Brides Say’ thrown in. We worked hard on script writing, and we think our friend did an amazing job. It’s GEEKTASTIC!!!
Luckily for us my fiance is an animator, so he took a cue from our love of the outdoors and whipped up this short for our save the date. We are so happy with how it turned out!
Save the date animations are very sweet, what I’ve found that works well though is when clients of mine purchase the animations on presentation USB drives to send out to their friends and family. An animated save the date is great but having a physical copy of it will often remind your guests after they’ve watched it to keep that date saved!
You can see an example of a save the date animation I made here: