Sweetheart Shout Out is a labor of love for husband and wife team, Phillip and Tara. Like many of you, when they were planning their wedding they looked at the all ribbon-y, glittery, silk flowery, overpriced stuff that are the mainstay of most invitation companies, and decided there had to be a better option! Thankfully (for all of us) they're both graphic designers with a passion for killer wedding invitation design.
So they created their own non-cheeseball wedding invitation company! Wanna see some of my favorite wedding invites, including one that made me audibly squee? Lookie…
Just look at this alien wedding invitation — just look at it! Now tell me your heart didn't do a little happy flippy floppy. Mine sure did. Aliens + wedding invitations = perfect for your quirky, nerdy shindig.
And look! Now you can even use this amazing alien wedding design as your custom wedding website via Offbeat Bride's wedsite templates on MyWedding.
Or maybe clean and simple is more your style. They got ya covered too, especially with the slick Black Tie collection.

Just in time to celebrate Geek Week — Offbeat Bride Tribe member Darina and her fiance Niko have unveiled their 8-bit video game wedding invitations... Read more
The Sweetheart Shoutout also has the clean and simple wedsites, along with their other designs for use on MyWedding as well. So make sure to check those out after you pick your perfect wedding invitations.
Perhaps your perfect wedding invitation would be one of your own invention, but you don't have the graphic design, nor DIY skillz to pull it off. Then check this out…
The Sweetheart Shout Out also offers completely custom wedding invitations to make your invitation dreams a reality. What's that? You don't have an exact wedding invitation dream in mind? That's cool — The Sweetheart Shout Out will work with you from start to finish with their impressive portfolio of designs to choose from, or to customize, to set the tone for your day.
You can also save some major cash with The Sweetheart Shout Out:
- With their package deals you'll save 10%, get free custom colorization, and free photo upgrade.
- And shipping is always free at The Sweetheart Shout Out.
So, you've seen the invitations that are MY favorite — now mosey over to The Sweetheart Shout Out because they have tons of rockin' designs that are perfect for you!
Holy awesomeness! This is just what I was looking for! =)
Love the photos! Super post! I`ll send it to all my friends!