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Michael Sami Brooklyn Microwed 7 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Big love in Brooklyn at a botanical garden micro wedding

If we were going to do the damn thing, it needed to be unique to us and our life and not put us into debt as the first act of our marriage! It was also important to us that despite our straight-passing relationship, our queer identity and the community we have made for ourselves was present in the day.

accessible disability friendly wedding Maya Lovro Photography and Topaz Thimble 3 e1689829463215 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Expert advice on planning an accessible and disability-friendly wedding

We asked experts how to plan an accessible and disability-friendly wedding and WOW. There were so many great tips we had to break it up into four categories: wedding venue accessibility, accessible seating, sensory-friendly wedding tips, and other accessibility concerns. If you’re considering the needs of your guests with disabilities and want to make sure they’re comfortable at your celebration, you’re going to want to bookmark this post ASAP!

Offbeat Wed Alex Zara Joy Story 0028 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

These world travelers had an accessible wedding with wheelchairs designed by the groom

This accessible wedding in Scotland is not one to be missed! Zara and Alex have traveled the world together, aided greatly by the groom’s own design genius: a high-tech powerchair, built by and for wheelchair users. The couple initially had trouble finding a wheelchair-friendly, accessible wedding venue in Edinburgh, so they had their wedding in Glasglow. We love their story and their celebration, documented by Sarah of Joy Story Photography.

Lou And Ellis Fern Photography 7 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Disco Pride: a gay three-day Buddhist wedding

We think the best way to describe the proceedings is as a three-day wedding festival – vibrant, cheery, and outdoors! They didn’t realize they had a theme until after sharing what they were wearing themselves on the day and someone described it as “Disco Pride” and people seemed to run with that which was great!