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bridal jumpsuit on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Brides in pants

While of course I couldn’t cover every single breed of offbeat in the book (snowboard brides got short shrift, and transgender Buddhists were completely ignored), writing about brides in pants is actually something I really wish I’d included. In my poking around online I found a fair amount of inspiration for brides who wish to go the pants route, and even some awesome indie vendors…

Ikea-hacking wedding centerpiece

The urge to DIY comes in many forms: wanting to save $$, putting your personal touch on your wedding, or creating something that you couldn’t have otherwise. My situation called for all three. When I saw the going rate for centerpieces ($50 for something I would laugh at and $300 for something I enjoyed), I […]

1399928609 954c4bfea1 m alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

These bridesmaids will cut you

The Bad-ass bridemaids of the day award clearly goes to this girl-gang of lovelies rocking their black-bowed dresses, Converse low-tops, and squadron of tats. And the way they’re flanking the groom, they’ve made it clear — you mess with the bride, you mess with us. Check out the rest of the shots from Courtney’s wedding. […]

Too many groomsmen: what to do with a bazillion groomsmen?

Our wedding party consists of Matt’s brother and two of his buddies, and my cousin/childhood best friend (as “the best woman”) and my four brothers (as my “bridesmen”). Any tips on how to incorporate 9 men into a wedding? The only chicks are me and my best woman, Jenna, and my baby cousin (she’ll be […]