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2397913235 3734c1c448 m alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Elisa’s Leap Day wedding in Miami

The offbeat bride: Elisa, Secretary/Adjunct Professor/Grad Student cum Rock Star Her offbeat partner: Evan, Sound Engineer/Guitar Player Location & date of wedding: Friend’s home in Miami, FL. 2/29/2008 What made our wedding offbeat: Evan and I spent the whole day together with our bridal party, bucking tradition. We also had a Pagan handfasting, complete with […]

pokemon engagement ring on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

13 nerdy wedding rings [updated for 2022!]

These are the rings you’re looking for! Gamers, pop-culture enthusiasts, and geeks of all kinds: Offbeat Bride is the original home of nerdy wedding rings. We’ve got geeky wedding ring ideas for all the fandoms: Star Wars wedding rings, Star Trek wedding rings, retro 8-bit gamer wedding rings, Harry Potter wedding rings, and more…

2309947199 f2da6d7d2e alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Rachel & Ali’s wedding food makes me say OM NOM NOM

Looking at this photo from Rachel & Ali’s recent Persian wedding in San Francisco made me drooly — look at that amazing spread of food in front of them! Om nom nom nom… Come, let’s drool over some wedding food porn.

8220942843 335695af68 o alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Offbeat Bride is good for moms, too!

“My mother called me and told me that she had never even considered that flowers were optional — it just seemed like something you had to do. Long story even longer, she spent an hour perusing Offbeat Bride and told me how much fun it all looked like, and how she just assumed since she had always seen things done a particular way, it had never occurred to her that it didn’t have to be that way. “