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7c6f87a5 enancidustin onelovephoto alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

All-Star wedding

Everyone loves Chucks at a wedding! More pics of this All-Star wedding over here.

1883443708 e6e99034d7 m alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kristen’s green, eco-friendly wedding

The offbeat bride: Kristen / Retail Manager, but trying to get out Her offbeat groom: Todd / Production Assistant Location & date of wedding: Miami University Campus, Oxford, OH. Oct. 13, 2007 What made our wedding offbeat: It started with Todd proposing without a ring, saying we should pick one out/design it together. And that […]

Calligraphy by InspiredCalligraphy on Etsy alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Skip the drama when addressing wedding invitations

I can’t handle addressing these wedding invitations.

Everyone says I should address it to “Mr. & Mrs. Man’s-First-Name Man’s-Last-Name” but it pisses me off — addresses like this completely blow past the female component of a relationship.

Any ideas for how to be true-to-self without trying to make an in-your-face statement?

vamprings333 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Vampire rings for the undead love in your life

Vamp rings from Bittersweets NY (Thanks for the tip, Erin!)