Othering: the ways offbeat types push ourselves away
Over the years, I’ve seen something come up time and time again from Offbeat Bride readers: people will send an email, post on the Tribe, or leave a comment that basically amounts to, “Do I REALLY count as an Offbeat Bride? Do I really belong here?” I think of it as the Offbeat Bride’s version of othering: this way those of us who’ve defined ourselves as non-normative have of pushing ourselves away from other people. The push makes sense, of course — if you live in a region where your politics aren’t aligned with those around you, of course you’re going to feel a push, and like you need to clearly define yourself as “not that.” There are a lot of social and cultural contexts where it makes perfect sense that people who feel a little bit off the beaten path would push against the people and society around them. What makes less sense to me is when I see us push against each other…
Funny fashion, a bouncy castle, and the greatest shrubbery
Matt and Tisa found the greatest shrubbery to showcase their love. Reader submissions this week also had a tearful first look, funny wedding fashion, and some bouncy castle joy. Check out what the Offbeat Flickr Pool, the Offbeat Bride Tribe, and Pinterest had in store for us to start the week off right.
Lauren & Tyler’s old time rock ‘n’ roll music madness wedding
Music was so interwoven into the fabric of this wedding. From their music venue to the guitar picks in the bride’s hair, the DIY record luminary centerpieces and the guestbook guitar, this couple rocked their wedding. Plus, their mis-matched bridesmaids not only out-shoed each other with some killer stilettos, but wait till you see their faces during the bouquet toss!
Meet the R2-D2 trashcan/card box
Check out Tribesmaid Mofiggy‘s R2-D2 card box that her future husband made for their “Star Wars Masquerade Ball-themed” wedding. Star Wars wedding nerds, this IS the card box you’re looking for!