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ZGLP8bK alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Reader roundup: Ray guns, metal trees, and skateboarding brides

We saw Fluffy Monster’s Save the Dates last week. This week, let’s check out her amazing bridal party shot. Yup, those are ray guns, capes, and some awesome flashes of color. Check out one more Fluffy Monster photo, metalic tree centerpieces, beverage-themed Save the Dates, and more on this week’s reader round-up…

7694884050 d6db0abe77 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Sarah & Mat’s offbeat lite Unitarian art museum wedding

We must tease this… it can’t be helped. Boob body shots with wine. Oh, and there’s also awesome pop culture table names, sweet little vows, the groom’s daring and snazzy white tux, and a fabulous art museum backdrop. Plus, you’ll want to know how this couple utilized their “music bouncers” to get the job done.

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Stephanie & Jonathan’s whimsical Calvin and Hobbes wedding

This couple transmogrified their wedding into an ultimate Calvin and Hobbes dance party. Everything from the stationery to the cake toppers had the handwriting look of a stuffed tiger and his favorite boy. You’re gonna love the ring bearer’s striped shirt and the way he hugs his tiger friend in these pictures. Grab your wagon and let’s go look!

cutlery recipe card stand alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

DIY forkin’ menu holders for your foodie wedding

Attention foodies: We have found your menu holders. These stinkin’ cute fork-people from Polish the Stars hold more than recipe cards. Your painstakingly delicious menus can be cradled in their forkin’ little hands!