We originally brought you the Portal wedding cake. And then there was the engagement proposal as an elaborate Portal 2 level, and conceptual Portal wedding rings. But you have yet to see Portal wedding invitations… until NOW! Dun dun dun.

Jayné (aka omgajawa) had this to say about these amazing invitations:

We had the idea based on an old article from Game Informer magazine. We told our friend Jesse who's a graphic designer about our idea, and he spat these out. Sure, old people might not get it or just chalk it up to some “sci-fi thing” I like, but for those that do get it I think it'll be a good laugh. And I absolutely love them. All the little touches, like the wording and the little “You Monsters,” and companion cube really make them! They turned out better than I thought and look even better on the card stock.
I'm not gonna LIE, these invitations are super bad-ass. Thanks to Jayné for sharing them with us!
Cake and grief counseling… lol!
I wish I could get married again just to use invitations this wonderful! I swooned!
Makes me sad that I never finished my Portal invitations for my own wedding. But it’s done and over with.
Such a great idea!
*string of unintelligible Spanish cursing* If I’m smart, I’ll figure out some way to tie that cake and grief counseling line into my invites. That’s my favorite Glados line of all time and since I’m having a Portal cake anyway, I should tie it in a little.
Perfect, absolutely perfect!
My question about things so nerd-specific, things that tickle my heart so thoroughly, what do you do about the people who don’t get the gag? Janye clearly chose the “shrug and roll with it” approach, but what to do if you’d really LIKE everyone to get it? Explanation on the wedsite? Pass the word around to some people to hope they pass the word around to everyone else? Run the video games throughout the reception? Force everyone to play for five minutes before they can enter your ceremony?!?!
Sweet they made it up! I’m so glad to see them again, they were one of my favorite things about the wedding planning process
I did end up putting a page on my wedsite up just to explain the invitations, linking to the wikipedia article and some other pages about Portal. I explained that Portal 2 was my game-of-the year (so far, lots about to come out that will give it a run for it’s money I’m sure).
I also told my mom about it, and my younger brother and sister’s boyfriend explained to other people who didn’t quite understand what Portal was. I wanted to play games at my wedding but it never came to be, and I’m fine with it.
In the end just about everyone who received them thought they were adorable and loved them, even if they didn’t quite get the humor. They just knew that it was “us”, I guess you could say.
So I’d say go with whatever you like! Offer the info to people, put links on your site, get people who understand nerdy things you enjoy and are as excited by them as you to help explain things to others if you need to. 🙂
Greatest invitation ever.
These invitations make my nerdy heart so happy. <3
These are the BEEEEEEEEST
I’d really like someone to say to the bride, “Wait, you KNOW her?”
I <3 Portal!
Thanks for linking Jesse Long to the great work he did! (jesselong.us) He worked hard on these, I just told him the idea and he ran with it and worked til I told him they were perfect. He made matching cards that were mailed with the invites stating where we were registered. There’s much love to be given to him for it!
he just told me that site isn’t working, but you can still see his other work at http://teamhammafist.com/portfolio
i’m making a note here, huge sucess
I absolutely love this! So amazing.
We’re having companion cube cake toppers, one with a blue heart and one with a red heart. And a friend bought us a companion cube cookie jar as an engagement present and it’s going to be out wishing well.
…….I’ve also incorporated some Portal into my vows…
Would you be willing to send me a template to show to a designer to have them modified for my own use? I’m in love with these and have been looking for ways to create a Portal invitation and rsvps etc. Id love to be able to have something already created to use or be inspiration. Thanks so much in advance! Krisy at [email protected]
Absolutely amazing!!! I’m in love!
I love these! Haven’t played Portal just yet but watched my fiance play and he loves it. Any way I could steal this AWESOME idea?
Sorry about not responding sooner- hadnt been on in a while! Anyone seeking to use these as a template, please contact Jesse Long via email at [email protected] and he can help you all out!
So….my fiance and I are really hoping to buy these invitations for our wedding this October, but I cannot seem to figure out how to do so. Help??
Hey there, if you look at the comment right above yours you’ll see how you can get in contact with the designer.