Ouija Board Period Panties from Doll Me Up Apparel
Worried about getting your period on your wedding day? I get it, it's a hassle to have it, especially if you're “blessed” with super heavy ones like I KNOW some of you are. Some of us have it easy, but some totally don't and would hate to have a mega period in a white dress.
Those of us with periods, and specifically with fairly predictable ones, have one tiny advantage to picking a wedding date. There's a way to kinda-sorta predict when you might have your period around your wedding date. These period calculators are usually intended for predicting ovulation and fertility, but we can totally use them to pick a wedding date that will likely not be one of your period days.
It's no guarantee, of course, as periods can be notoriously unpredictable. But hey, if you're worried about it, why not make it as least likely as possible, right?
Period calculators to try:
Going to get it anyway? Here's help: