The Offbeat Bride: Robin, Special Education High School Teacher
Her offbeat partner: Maggie, Golfer, Teacher, Best. Wifey. EVER!
Date and location of wedding: Old Town in Albuquerque, NM, Lady of Guadalupe Chapel and The Warehouse in Colorado Springs, CO — February 23, 2014
Our offbeat wedding at a glance: We actually got married in New Mexico. The chapel is located in Old Town, Albuquerque, in Patio Escondido. This historical chapel is made of adobe bricks and plastered walls which were built by the nuns and students of Sagrada. The Sagrada Art Studios in Old Town was a sacred arts school founded by a Dominican nun, Sister Giotto Moots, in 1969. This hidden gem was the perfect setting for us, so we wedding crashed the Capilla de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe Chapel. Shhh, don't tell anyone! With our very immediate family and the justice of the peace, we gathered among the six wooden benches that were hand-carved and stained with scriptural verses from Sister Giotto and another artist. It was filled with soooo much love, and it was there we vowed our lives and love for one another.
Our wedding reception was held in Colorado Springs at The Warehouse. The building was historically a warehouse, situated close to the original railroad line that was a vital delivery route for the growing city of Colorado Springs as envisioned by its founder, General William Palmer. The oldest part of the building, constructed in 1900, now houses The Warehouse Gallery and restaurant. There with 80 of our friends and family, we were “weddinged.” Who could ask for anything more — marrying my best friend and beautiful wife TWICE!
Tell us about the ceremony:
We waited a long time to be legally married. It was very important to us to be recognized by not only our family and friends, but with all the rights of marriage. Here is a passage read from our wedding:
From that moment of yes until this moment of yes, we have been making promises and agreements in an informal way. All those conversations that were held riding in a car or over a meal or on long walks.
All those sentences that began with “When we're married” and continued with “I will and you will and we will,”
Those late night talks that included “someday” and “somehow” and “maybe,”
And all those promises that are unspoken matters of the heart,
All these common things, and more, are the process and the beginnings of our life together!
Our biggest challenge:
The biggest challenge was getting to the church without anyone noticing that we were crashing the chapel for our wedding! The 10 family members tip-toed through the cobblestone street. With bouquets in hand and the justice of the peace, we made our way to the church. We laughed the entire way as we were sneaking in. Along with getting married and all the jitters that accompany it, the prospect of getting caught in the act made it even a little more exciting.
My favorite moment:
Old Town was quaint, charming, authentic, and filled with our love! It was my favorite and the most meaningful because of all the family history in that area. The colors, the smells, and the sounds were very flavorful. My eyes leaked the entire ceremony.
What was the most important lesson you learned from your wedding?
After we got married, I kept telling everyone we got a wedding certificate. Then Maggie said, “It's not an award, not a certificate! It's a license.” I still think it's a certificate. It IS AN AWARD!
We are loved more than we could have imagined — by each other and by family and friends. I told Maggie that I am a lot of things… hard-headed, ALWAYS right (at least I think so), and always late. But no matter what, I am always better when I am with her. She loves me for who I am.
Care to share a few vendor/shopping links?
- Photography: our family for the wedding in New Mexico and Trystan Photography for the reception
- Venue: The Warehouse
- Wine: Four Leaves Winery
- Makeup: Salon B
Enough talk — show me the wedding inspo!
Wow very nice seeing femal couples marriages. they all look so happy. Wish them all the best.
Thank you!
Congrats! I’m curious about your “chapel crashing.” Was it because they don’t do weddings, you’re not Catholic, or because they don’t allow LGBT weddings? Did anyone look into using it officially as a venue, first?
Thank you. And to answer your question, initially no we didn’t look at it officially. Our family is from that area and it wAs a quick decission as we were visiting and we were on a limit time schedule. We left a monetary donation along with flowers and a note.
They do weddings. Pretty cheap, too, so why rip off the place?
“OLD TOWN ALBUQUERQUE’S HISTORIC WEDDING VENUE – OPEN TO ALL DENOMINATIONS AND THE GLBT COMMUNITY! Our most popular wedding package: two hour rental of the chapel and patio, with a 30% off upgrade package, including 30 chairs, beautiful Victorian garden florals, and a gathering room for the wedding party. Only $578.50 + tax!” http://www.chapelguadalupe.com/
Am I missing something here? I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t steal from a church – or a historical society. They have to pay for the upkeep. If you think it was made with love, why begrudge them the fee? Was it for the thrill of stealing 600 bucks?
If you can’t afford a particular venue, dress, or cake, I guess I don’t think it’s fun or cute to just swipe it.
Thanks for the info. I don’t know their situation, so I don’t want to judge, but I do agree it raises some ethical issues. It reminds me of the “Dark Side of DIY”article that OBB posted awhile back. As offbeat briders do we have an obligation to support cool, inclusive venues & artisans? Something to think about.
Crashers doesn’t mean free loaders. We left a VERY generous donation. Besides the money, I have done many hours of volunteer work for the church and the surrounding area. That’s where I grew up. We didn’t steal. Thanks for the drama comment.
Perhaps this was an editorial problem. I am so glad you did pay the vendor. The article strongly implies that you did not. The title promotes the “chapel crashers” aspect of your event, rather than the two lovely brides or the adoring family. The writing mentions the fun of sneaking around. In the end, the article completely leaves out that you actually did pay the venue. Maybe this was a little click-baity.
It did not feel like drama to say to a website I love (four years plus! I really do love ya’ll so much!) that a “yay theft!” article is at best, uncomfortable. This way of presenting your wedding struck a strange and sour chord for me. I adore this site, and it is usually so respectful of vendors. It was odd to see it (in this case misleadingly) imply the fun of not paying them.
Best of luck to you and yours.
You both made totally beautiful brides..so happy, so complete and so in love…May your lives together be truly blessed as your union fulfills your dreams…Thanks for sharing your very special day with the world…And thank you for the delightful hope of love and forever happiness…. 🙂