Ooh, it's that time again! That slightly creepy time where I look deep into the bowels of my affiliate sales reports to see which Minted.com invitation designs y'all are loving the most. For those of you just joining us, here's how it works: when you buy something from Minted after clicking a link on Offbeat Bride, I can see what you buy. I can't see WHO buys what (your secrets are safe!), but I can see which stuff is the most popular with my readers. This is kind of awesome because y'all have great taste.
As we head into the planning season for 2013's winter and spring weddings, let's take a peek at the invitation designs that are getting Offbeat Brides the most excited right now. PLUS, as an added bonus, I've got info from Minted about how you can enter to win $300 worth of FREE invitations.
As always, clicky the pictures to see more about the design!

Remember last fall when we did that Minted.com post? Well, it's that time again! That slightly creepy time where I look deep into the bowels... Read more
Now, what was that about a giveaway?
We've teamed up with Minted to offer y'all some FREE wedding invitations!